Wednesday, December 31, 2014

McFarland's Farm

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McFarland's Farm
by Cardeno C
Audio Book Tour
McFarland's Farm

McFarland's Farm: Hope, Book 1


  WLK synopsis

Wealthy, attractive Lucas Reika treats life like a party, moving from bar to bar and man to man. Thumbing his nose at his restaurateur father's demand that he earn his keep, Lucas instead seduces a valued employee in the kitchen of their flagship restaurant, earning himself an ultimatum: lose access to his father's money or stay in the middle of nowhere with a man he has secretly lusted over from afar. Quiet, hard-working Jared McFarland loves his farm on the outskirts of Hope, Arizona, but he aches to have someone to come home to at the end of the day. Jared agrees to take in his longtime crush as a favor. But when Lucas invades his heart in addition to his space, Jared has to decide how much of himself he's willing to risk and figure out if he can offer Lucas enough to keep him after his father's punishment is over.

WLK excerpt

WLK Author Bio
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Cardeno C. - CC to friends - is a hopeless romantic who wants to add a lot of happiness and a few "awwws" into a reader's day. Writing is a nice break from real life as a corporate type and volunteer work with gay rights organizations. Cardeno's stories range from sweet to intense, contemporary to paranormal, long to short, but they always include strong relationships and walks into the happily-ever-after sunset.
Cardeno's Home, Family, and Mates series have received awards from Love Romances and More Golden Roses, Rainbow Awards, the Goodreads M/M Romance Group, and various reviewers. But even more special to CC are heartfelt reactions from readers, like, "You bring joy and love and make it part of the every day."

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Steeling my Haart Reveal

Cover Reveal
Book Title: Steeling My Haart
Author: Lizzy Roberts
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 2015
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
Eight years ago a tornado devastated the community of Glen Springs. That same night my heart was torn to shreds when he left. Now, all I have to live for is work. I’m successful and have a good life, just like he wished. So, why am I so unhappy? A tragedy is bringing me home and I’m now finding my well ordered and successful life hurled into a whirlwind of uncertainty. The biggest threat of all comes in the shape of Charlie Haart, the number one reason I have stayed away from Glen Springs for so long.

Unedited and subject to change After what felt like hours, Charlie could still hear the siren still blaring above them. This was one bad storm cell and it sounded like they were far from being out of the woods yet. Fumbling about the dark shelter, he could just see the outlines of a couple of boxes and a cupboard in the far corner of the small underground room. As the lightening flashes continued to light the room sporadically he was able to release a shaking Emma and attempt to find some light. “Sweetheart, I just need to reach over there and see if there is any candles or a torch, ok? I will be right back and won’t leave you, I promise.” He saw her nod her head in acknowledgement and fumbled across and found a box of candles and some storm matches in one of the boxes. When he has finally lit a few candles, the room looked a little less scary and was pretty well stocked. It seemed as though the old lady had kept this place provisioned with a few bits right up until she moved. Charlie saw Emma cowered in the same spot, in mild shock no doubt and he scooted towards her taking her once again into his arms. She was quiet, almost too quiet and as he scanned around the room he saw that there was a huge, yet, comfy looking sofa covered in some beautiful handmade quilts and gently lifted her across the room and gently laid her on the sofa, covering her with a couple of the patchwork quilts. As he went to seek out the other boxes in the shelter, Emma reached out and grabbed his arm. “Thank you.” The tiny quivering voice echoed round the room. “Thank you, Spark. You literally just saved my life. Twice.” Then she burst into a heart-wrenching sobbing fit. Charlie gently climbed on to the sofa with her and took her gorgeous, tear-stained face tenderly into his hands and wiped away the tears with his thumbs. Kissing her forehead gently he replied, “My absolute pleasure sweetheart. Knowing there could be a world without you in it would completely break me do you know that? I would die before I’d let anything happen to you Emma. I really would.”

Meet the Author
30 - something Mum of two from the North of England (Yorkshire to be precise AKA Gods own Country) who regularly seeks refuge in fictional characters minds. Prefers the hot and hunky men with a romantic side but not averse to a dominant man, nor ones with a dark side too! She decided, after much persuasion from both her friends and especially her husband to pursue her dream of one day publishing her own book! So after much deliberation (and nagging from him indoors), her first book Steeling my Haart due for release March 2015!

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Behind the Stars

Leigh Talbert Moore
Action - Adventure Romance
LIVE 12.31.14!
Prentiss Puckett is certain of three things: -Graduation is two weeks away. -Summer only gets hotter in south Mississippi. -She’s getting a job with air-conditioning. She did not expect to be kidnapped walking to work. And she never expected to become a hero.

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Download “Captive,” (Ch. 1-5) for FREE
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Behind the Stars
By Leigh Talbert Moore
© 2014, Leigh T. Moore
The guards moved among us, placing dentist-office Dixie cups of what looked like water in front of everyone. A separate guard came to where I sat on the floor, clutching my knees. She lightly took my arm. “Please return to the table.” Her voice was smooth. “You’ve had a shock. Have some water.” I wasn’t about to drink anything they gave us. It was Day One all over again, only this time, it was Guyana. We were all being served the Kool-Aid. Next stop, mass graves. Stupidly, my friends and fellow prisoners had no such qualms. Didn’t anybody watch the History channel? I stared as they all took shaky sips without hesitation. “Just take a small sip.” The female guard was still with me. “It’ll calm you.” My throat constricted. My whole body was on revolt. Shaking my head, I didn’t meet her eyes. I only stared at the white cup of water. Braxton was at my side, and he drained his. What the hell made him do that? Did he want to die? Seconds ticked past and nothing happened. Nobody passed out. Nobody did anything strange—except forget what we’d just witnessed here. Braxton picked up his fork to finish his lunch. They all did. Like one of us had not just been taken out “swiftly and finally.” Only he had, and I was reeling from the shock.  

Readers are saying…
“Five Stars: The best series that I have read in a while. I couldn't put it down at all. It still has my attention, begging to be revisited!" --Reading in Black and White "Solid, well-crafted and captivating!" --Kawehi Reviews "Fun, entertaining, and original!" --My Guilty Obsession book reviews "Adventurous and exciting, a great book for anyone." --Somertime Book Blog “If you are looking for a great YA read, this is the book for you. Full of nail biting suspense, this book is sure to keep your attention.” –Mandy “I Read Indie”  

About the Author
Leigh Talbert Moore Leigh Talbert Moore wrote her first graphic novel at the age of nine--about a lady scientist burned by acid. Sadly, the text of "Fury Woman" was lost, and Leigh's novelist aspirations went on hiatus. Then, after a decade working in journalism, editing, marketing, and public relations, she began writing books again, and in 2009 completed Dragonfly. Today, Leigh is the author of several popular young adult and new adult novels, all with a strong romantic slant. She lives with her husband and two young children in the middle of the country, where she conjures new worlds, characters, and situations while playing chauffeur, chaperone, group activity leader, and referee. And she's still trying to remember the plot of Fury Woman...  

Books by Leigh Talbert Moore
-THE TRUTH ABOUT FAKING (YA romantic comedy) -THE TRUTH ABOUT LETTING GO (YA coming of age; Top 5 Finalist, 2013 "Best Indie Book Awards" sponsored by The Kindle Book Review) -ROUGE (New Adult romantic suspense; Quarterfinalist, 2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award) -DRAGONFLY (New Adult family saga; Book #1 in the Dragonfly series) -UNDERTOW (New Adult family saga; Book #2 in the Dragonfly series) -WATERCOLOR (New Adult family saga; Book #3 in the Dragonfly series) -MOSAIC (New Adult family saga; Book #4/final book in the Dragonfly series) -BEHIND THE STARS (NA Action-adventure/paranormal romance)   From Leigh: *I love hearing from readers! Send feedback, ask questions, or say hello at leightmoore(at) *Visit my website: *You can also find me on Facebook, where I post my latest book news, sales, and excerpts: *I’m *And I'm on Twitter and Instagram as @leightmoore *Sign up for my newsletter for new release and sale updates here: *Get exclusive Text Alerts for Sales & New Releases! Text "LeighTMoore" to to 77948 Today! (Max 6 messages per month; HELP for help; STOP to cancel; Text and Data rates may apply. Privacy policy available,  

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Obsidian Faith

Obsidian Faith REview Blitz

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Book Title: Obsidian Faith
Author: Bev Elle
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
They were the most unlikely pair to fall in love. . .
A golden boy with a dark past. A bi-racial girl with epic faith. These two weren’t supposed to survive the system, sketchy origins and all. Trevor Kyle has loved Shanice Bailey forever—from the time they both landed in the Baptist Children’s Home until they were young adults raised by adoptive families that had no resemblance to the worlds from which they came. Trevor has always been her protector and champion even when he was busy pushing her away for her own good. Shanice has always taken her faith in Trevor seriously. Her childhood oath is strengthened when she learns the true meaning of family. But After Trevor’s adoptive parents die tragically and his bachelor uncle takes him in, she finds that the boy she’s always looked up to has changed, and not for the better. Yet, she can’t bring herself to forget him as her pure childhood love for him blossoms into something more. The most generous heart and truest faith does not travel an easy path. Just when Trevor thinks he’s found a way to keep his promise to be with Shanice forever, a specter from the past threatens their future plans.

  EXCERPT, Obsidian Faith, Chapter Twelve “You want to be a doctor?” Trevor said. “No, a nurse. I want to help people get over drug addiction and stuff, but I don’t want to go to school for all the years it takes to be a doctor.” “That’s cool. Just don’t fall for some doctor and forget about me,” he teased. “I’d never forget you, Trevor,” she said. “And I’ll never fall for some doctor.” “How do you know?” he said. “You’ll go off to college and I’ll be as good as forgotten.” “You’ll forget me first,” she said. “You already have. You’re the one who’s taking Emily Winters to the prom and everything.” “It’s just another rite of passage.” “A what?” “It’s one of those things you’re expected to do at certain ages that transition you from one stage in life to another.” “Oh, well. I’m not passing any rites with anyone but you,” She said. “You’re too young to say that, Shanice. You’ve got a lot of growing up to do.” “So do you.” She protested, just as he expected her to. “Yeah, but I’m closer to twenty-one than you are, and I’ll be going off to college in a couple of years.” “I know, but I won’t forget you,” Shanice said with conviction. “How do you know this?” Trevor asked. “Because I’m going to be like Amy March in Little Women.” “Never heard of it,” Trevor said. “Probably because boys think it’s stupid. But there is a Little Men, and Jo’s Boys and they’re about orphans and stuff. Anyway, they’re classics. Mom read the books when she was about my age, so she gave them to me for Christmas.” “What does this have to do with you not forgetting me?” “You’ll have to read Little Women to find out,” she said cryptically.

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Meet the Author
Bev Elle the author of sweet and spicy, contemporary romance. A lover of books–many already written, and those she harbors in her very active imagination. Writing is a passion she’s had for many years, but was unable to act upon. Until now. Bev Elle is the mother of three human children and two canines. She is also the lover of one husband :) When Bev isn’t writing in her spare time after work, she is thinking of doing so.
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