Author Anne Conley & My Family's Heart Book Reviews & Tours present "My Mistake" Book Tour & Reviews
TITLE – My Mistake
SERIES – Stories of Serendipity
AUTHOR - Anne Conley
GENRE - Contemporary Erotic Romance
PUBLICATION DATE - April 10, 2014
LENGTH (Pages/#words) - 70,000 words
PUBLISHER – Anne Conley
COVER ARTIST – Vanessa Booke
Book Blurb/Synopsis-
Welcome to Serendipity, Texas, where the days are hot and the nights are steamy. Meet real people with real problems, as they live life and find love in a small town.
12 years ago, Brent walked away from his one big love, and has regretted it ever since. He’s done nothing but make mistake after mistake with his life. Now, he’s finally getting his act together, starting up a sanctuary for abused and neglected horses, and staying clean.
Casey had put Brent out of her mind the best way she knew how, by going on with her own life: getting married and trying to have kids. When her marriage ends up being a mistake, she moves back in with her mother in Serendipity to lick her wounds. What she doesn't expect is Brent, waltzing back into her life.
Can they put their own and each other’s mistakes behind them to move forward together? When Casey’s life is put in danger, Brent steps up, but will it be enough?
My Mistake is book seven in the Stories of Serendipity. You will meet some of the same characters, but they are all stand-alone novels.y
Buy Links
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When he came back around to the front of the barn, she was sitting on top of a bale of hay, holding up a brown paper back with a grease stain on the bottom. Mooch, traitor that he was, perched at her feet, looking up at her adoringly, waiting for her to drop the bag.
“Mama sent some chicken and biscuits.”
He grunted an acknowledgment, and pulled his hat lower over his eyes so he didn't have to see the pain in hers.
She stood, setting the bag down next to her, and sauntered over to the stall where he was spreading fresh straw.
“What’s wrong?”
He couldn't think of the words to say to her. Everything that came to mind was wrong, and Brent knew that there was no way to have this conversation without hurting her. But he had to, or else he would end up hurting her worse in the long run.
As he kicked straw around the floor of the stall, he knew he was being stupid. For the last two weeks, all he’d talked about was how badly he wanted her to stay with him. And now he was about to do this…
He finally stopped when she said, “Brent. You’re scaring me. Is this about me not being able to have kids?”
“No.” Brent brushed past her to go to the feed room. Rattling the bucket brought in the mare, an enormous equine with a shaggy coat and bones showing through loose skin. She followed him into the stall, as he emptied the bucket into her feed trough, and then started pulling the injections from his pockets and preparing them silently.
When he had the first one ready, he finally got the guts to raise his head and look at Casey and deliver the brilliant line he’d spent the past ten minutes coming up with. “I need to think about some stuff.”
Her mouth dropped, and Brent lowered his head to the mare’s shoulder. While she was distracted, eating, he pinched some skin between his gloved fingers and stuck in the needle, pushing the plunger.
Brent had no idea what happened next. All he was aware of was a swift intake of breath, before he saw a wall of brown crush into him, then a jumble of whinnies, a frantic woof, a shrill scream, some clatters, then hoofs aimed at his chest, before blackness took over.
I was given this book by author for honest review. 12 years is a long time to regret. Brent has made mistakes starting with letting Casey go the first time. Casey has made some mistakes of her own. How bout they make mistakes together and this time maybe get it right. Falling in love all over again should be easy but the author had to add some extras. Enjoyed this book and this series.
Author bio-
Anne Conley lives in a small town in East Texas, with her husband, two kids and numerous goats. She brazenly stole her pseudonym from her great-grandmother, a true pioneer woman who raised seven kids alone: churning butter, plucking chickens, knitting clothes, and putting coal oil on every visible wound. Anne’s Stories of serendipity feature real people, living life and finding love in a small town. She also has a Paranormal Romance series, the Four Winds about archangels “falling” in love and coping with turning into humans Her writing is escapist therepy, and she succumbs to it every chance she gets.
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This or That
1. Ebook or Paper/Hard backs – I like the
feel of the real books, but the convenience of my ereader.
2. Laptop or PC - laptop
3. Happy Ending or Cliff Hanger –HAPPY
4. Fall or Spring - Fall
5. Non-alcohol or Alcohol - Alcohol
6. Music or Movies - Music
7. Country or Rock - Rock
8. Skyscrapers or 1-3 story(ies) – 1-3
9. Chocolate or Vanilla - Chocolate
10. Cats or Dogs- Dogs
Top 5 Easter Memories / Vacations
1. The Easter Dresses my Mom used to put me in.
2. The Bunny cakes my grandma used to make
3. The Easter nests we make every year.
4. Once year on Easter, my mom was put in the hospital for a bowel
blockage. We don’t typically get a lot
of snow, but it snowed that year at Easter.
Big fat honking beautiful flakes of it, the entire time she was inside
the hospital. As soon as they discharged
her, it stopped, and by the time the paperwork was finished, it had
melted. She was so pissed.
5. The first Easter I spent with my husband’s family: I was incredibly nervous, since his family is
enormous, and one of his cousins realized that I enjoyed shooting, so he and my
hubby took me out to a pasture to shoot skeet.
I guess it was the nerves, because I didn’t miss a single throw, and
outshot both men (one of them a military man), impressing his grandpa
immensely. One of my all-time favorite
Giveaway Prizes Up For Grabs
One winner (US only) will receive an Autographed copy of Hot Mess, a Story of Serendipity
One winner will receive all seven ebooks of the Stories of Serendipity, Neighborly Complications, Dream On, Chef’s Delight, Hot Mess, Falling for Him, Gambling on Love, and My Mistake.
One winner will receive a FREE ebook of My Mistake
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Thank you so much for being part of the tour & taking the time to review Anne's book.