Vacuum cleaners. . . What could be more dangerous? The threat from these evil machines had been drilled into Golbo the Spider at an early age, ever since his Uncle Snotkrunch had been sucked into one while going for a stroll after a family meal. Sure, dodging vacuum cleaners was Golbo's second nature, but one day something went wrong. Horribly wrong. And yet, Golbo the spider was about to embark on the most extraordinary adventure of his life.
Paperback: 54 pages
Publisher: (January 31, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781291278750
Young Readers Ages 8-12
About the author:

Honorable Mention in the Reader Views Literary Awards for the Young Reader (8 to 12) category.
Vacuum cleaners must be need more and more home and factories for there cleaning any destruction.