Author: Juliette Sobanet
Tour Organized by: Indie Sage, LLC
Chapter 6 Excerpt:
Our drinks arrive, and I take mine with haste, sucking down
the minty fresh alcohol, hoping it will soothe the butterflies that are
suddenly wreaking havoc in my stomach, making me feel all light-headed and
dizzy—a thirty-two-year-old teenager in heat.
After Nicholas slides his empty glass down the bar, he takes
my hand and nods toward the dance floor where couples are draped all over each
other, laughing and grooving underneath the dim lights in this steamy club.
“Dance with me, Natasha.” The intensity in his voice means
there is only one answer to that question.
I let Nicholas guide me out to the center of the floor,
vaguely recalling all of the tiring arguments I’ve had with Ethan in recent
years, begging him to put off his work for just one night so we could do
something fun. All the times I suggested that we take a
weekend off from our insanely busy lives, from infertility, from writing and
researching and photo shoots, to go somewhere exciting together. To remember
who we were as a couple, why we’d fallen for each other all those years ago.
But the nights out, the weekends away—they never did happen.
Ethan just wouldn’t carve out the time, make the commitment. It was never
important enough to him. Everything else came first.
And now, here I am in the middle of a booming Los Angeles
dance floor, finding the excitement and romance I’ve been craving for so long
with a man I’ve only met a handful of times, a man who cannot keep his eyes or
his hands off me.
And I must admit—it feels incredible.
So incredible, in fact, that any hints of guilt I may have
been harboring over my decision to say yes to Nicholas’ proposal have been
abandoned at the door of this club.
A sultry piano and sax tune moves over the dance floor,
prompting Nicholas to wrap his arms around my waist and pull me snugly into his
chest. Our hips find each other instantly, a perfect fit as they sway in time
to the music, grinding together in urgent, passionate waves. He presses his
cheek to mine, the heat of his breath running down my neck and over my breasts,
making my core throb with desire.
Song after song, we dance like this—our bodies intertwined,
not able to get enough. And with each new song, I feel myself unraveling even
further in his arms, marveling at the way his body moves so naturally with
mine, at how comfortable I feel letting loose in front of him.
As the beat slows down, Nicholas threads his fingers through
my long hair and dips me back, running his hungry lips down my neck. When we
resurface, I am flushed, hot, and ready.
His mouth finds my ear. “I want nothing more than to ravage
you right now.”
I don’t wait for him to say more. Instead, the inner
seductress I didn’t know I had gives him a suggestive grin, takes his hand, and
leads him out of the club.
About the Author

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