Title: Scattered Colors
Author: Jessica Prince
Genre: New Adult
The use of the phrase life is hard has become so diluted, so overstated through the years that when someone hears it the words go in one ear and out the other. The impact is no longer there. The meaning, the importance of that phrase no longer holds any water with those it's spoken to. Freya Linden's life became hard at the age of seventeen, the summer before her senior year of high school. The bright colors of her life faded into black and white, a colorless shell full of loneliness. Until she met him. Parker Owens breathed life back into her world. With him she began to heal. But happiness isn't a guarantee. Sometimes opening yourself up only leads to more heartbreak. The person she thought to be her saving grace shattered her completely. Her story isn't a pretty one. The bumps in the road were monumental and infinite. But it's her story. And the one thing that holds true is this: despite the hardships, she made it through to the other side.

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