Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Nysein Salvation

Title: The Nysein: Salvation
Author: Beth Mikell
Genre: Paranormal Romance - Vampires
Publication Date: April 4, 2014

The Nysein: A few centuries ago, control became an issue abounding in a war like no other. The vampires and necromancers reigned sovereign in the shadows of eerie night. They prophesied a new era…a new breed of enhanced vampire no one on earth had ever see…

A wasting disease marks the Nysein race after King Darién seeks vengeance upon his mother’s murderers. Every day he chokes on loneliness and past mistakes as another innocent victim dies without hope. His only salvation lies in a whispered curse, immersed in an ancient mating ritual. An idea so repulsive, he can’t imagine ever fulfilling…mating for life with a woman he’s never met, half human, half vampire. With one look upon the half-breed’s face, his rationality plummets.

For scholarly beauty Jenera Cole, life moves in slow motion, another strike against her…another disappointment. She is unaware of her immortal destiny until fate traps her inside an otherworldly hell, however, a stranger appears within her supernatural prison…a man with seductive eyes and an incredible power. Destiny isn’t only a word, it is the source of the Nysein magic, and Jenera must accept her fate. She must lay claim to the lost King as secrets bury them, lies unite them, and a prophecy comes true…

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I was given book for honest review. They are not made they are born vampire or nysein (vampire with necromancer blood). Darian under a curse for seeking revenge salvation comes in an unexpected half human half vampire package, Jenna. Knew right from the start that this was my kind of story even if it was just a tad confusing. I soon got unconfused and then could not put the book down - a page turner for sure.

Beth Mikell spends her days writing and blogging all the while taking care of her family of five. She's a native Floridian, born and raised and she's as American as the apple pie she learned to make about ten years ago. At thirteen, her family moved to Alabama and as the years turned into several, she traveled to many countries around the world, including the Middle East. She fell 'in love' with love at a young age and continues to believe that love really does conquer all...or at least leave her blessedly happy by the end of a book. She adores alpha males...the my-way-or-the-highway-take-no-prisoners kind of heroes, especially when they screw up and land themselves in 'hot water' with the heroines. Her husband of ten years is her personal hero, forging a path of true love along the road called life.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethmikellauthor

Twitter: https://twitter.com/beth_mikell

Author Website: http://www.bethmikell.wordpress.com/

Author GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6941362.Beth_Mikell

Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Beth-Mikell/e/B00C2QPLX6/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1

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