Friday, August 15, 2014

The Eyes Behold Tomorrow


 Book Blurb
Edward Robert Teach is a modern-day barbarian that encompasses everything a woman loves and hates in a man. He abhors his notorious namesake, correctness in any form, and has a habit of expressing his opinion whenever it does the most offense. When he meets Kamini, a stunningly beautiful, large eyed woman from the planet Feletia, he thinks he has finally met the girl of his dreams until he is recruited by her, and he becomes the unlikeliest captain of a prototype destroyer in the Feletian space navy, giving him the ability to stir up more trouble than he can get out of. Queen Aphelia, leader of her female dominant society, and Kamini's mother, takes an interest in him. She uses Robert to attain her political goals, forcing him to learn harsh and sometimes painful lessons in humility when his earthbound attitude clashes with the strong-willed Feletian women. When Robert is powerless to stop the assassination of the Feletian royal family, Kamini ascends the throne and takes him as husband. He becomes Feletia's Regent, sparking a political and marital struggle that could bring the flames of galactic war to the peaceful planet.

I was given book for honest review. Wow. The aliens are among us. Genius playboy Teach goes to join the Feletian space navy and gets caught up in royal intrigue. The Eyes Behold Tomorrow was filled with witty dialogue, distinctive characters, descriptive sci-fi tech, and romance. It has a bit of everything for everybody.

When the day came to present myself for departure, getting through base security was a problem.  I got good and drunk at my farewell party, and when my drunken friends dumped me off in front of the main gate, I wasn’t looking or feeling my best, especially when I hurled all over the military police guarding the gate.  When they didn’t want to find my name on their puke-covered list, I wasn’t really disappointed because I had parties to attend and women to entertain me, after I recovered from my hangover.

When I arrived at what used to be my home and staggered out of the taxi, a limo was waiting in the driveway.  Kamini shanghaied me, and we rode through base security checkpoints without a look from anyone, which was good because I passed out on the floor of the limo.

When Kamini helped me join a mob of other candidates seated in a closed hangar, I noticed many were officers from every branch of the military wearing their best uniforms, with ribbons and medals impressively displayed on their chests.  My counterpoint was jeans and a T-shirt.  Government officials were already into their inspiring speeches about how proud everyone was, the duty to our planet, blah, blah, blah, and it rendered me to tears.  Actually, they were tears of pain from a roaring headache, and all I wanted to do was find a quiet corner to curl up and die for a few hours.

When they finally finished jaw-jacking, we plowed through a series of questionnaires, some of which had to do with taxes.  The government was going to lose all of us as taxpayers, and I felt bad about it.  I really did.  All four-hundred some odd of us were given a checklist and told to go through stations set up in an adjacent hangar.

During an assembly line medical exam, they checked and inspected every single part of me, and they didn’t leave any part untouched.  My annoyance reached a new high when one doctor stuck his finger up my ass and tried pushing my boys out from the inside, so I removed the finger by ripping a big one on it.  Those drunken farts are potent and they cleared everyone out of the area, giving me a few moments of peace.  I didn’t enjoy becoming a pincushion from the inoculations, although I did find messing with the psychiatrist entertaining.  Through it all, there were twelve Feletian women who were quietly overseeing the operation, looking as hopelessly bored as I felt.

Being the last to drag through the final station, I discovered everyone else had been taken to accommodations for the night.  I didn’t consider sleeping in crowded barracks with bunk beds very accommodating, so rather than take a chance on sleeping in, which was a real possibility in my current condition, I propped a chair against a hangar wall and grabbed a nap.
BIO - Kenneth R. Hart
Having been born on December 24 created an important life lesson; choose wisely, the best gifts are not always large, or heavy.  Armed with a high school diploma, I followed a family tradition of military service, and despite Army tours in Vietnam and Iraq, I continued to pursue my favorite activity of reading science fiction.  Being retired, I have more time to pursue reading, and now writing which I hope never to tire of.

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