Friday, February 10, 2017

First Post in nearly a year.

I'm gonna start off with a bang.

On my way to Dallas to join multiple Authors at a signing.

To Celebrate I'm having a Swag Giveaway to make room for more swag on my FB page

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Don't Wake the Dead Release

My name is Zoe Thorne and I'm just an ordinary woman. My life is mundane, and that's perfectly fine with me; I work a boring job, watch TV, read books, and sleep alone. There's nothing special about me.

Except that I can see ghosts.

After suffering years of rejection due to my freakish ability, I'm determined to hide my "gift" from others. That is until I meet Malachi Flemming and his peculiar yet amusing friends. Mal hosts a paranormal web show titled The Wraith Files and when he discovers my talent, he offers me a job. Well, offer may not be the right word.

He won't take no for an answer.

One night, we stumble across a spirit on the side of a deserted, country road. He seems lost and scared, convinced someone murdered him. Mal's interest is piqued and he insists on helping me investigate the accident. The deeper we dig, the clearer it becomes that the killer doesn't want us to discover the truth.

Desperate people will go to any lengths to keep their secrets buried. Sometimes it's best not to wake the dead unless you plan to join them.


Add it to your Goodreads TBR here!

A native Texan, C.C. grew up either reading or playing the piano.  Years later, she’s still not grown up and doing the same things.  Since the voices in her head never shut up, C.C. decided to share their crazy stories and started writing books.

Now that she has a baby girl at home, C.C.’s non-writing time is usually spent cleaning up poopy diapers or feeding the poop machine.  Sometimes she teaches piano, cooks, or spends time bugging her hubby and two beagles.

Kallum's Fury Release

Title: Kallum's Fury
Series: Lake of Dragons Series #2
By: E. Michael Mettille
Publication Date: May 31, 2016
Publisher: TMR Books
Cover Design: Mayhem Cover Creations
Genre: Epic Fantasy

Five summers have passed since Maelich and Cialia bested Kallum over the Forgotten Forest and scattered the god to the wind. Ouloos is entering an era of peace like none the world has ever known. Or is it? Tragedy strikes. Ymitoth is killed at the hands of dead-eyed men bearing an uncanny resemblance to Kallum’s priests. The loss proves too great for Maelich to cope. His sanity slips and he vanishes. Cialia embarks on a quest to find her lost brother. Along the way she learns her former city, Druindahl, has entered a period of darkness. The people she once protected are at the mercy of mercenaries interested only in coin and presided over by a king powerless to stop them. The cruelty she finds in the hearts of these horrible, false riders of Druindahl is more than she can stand. She finds her flame. The aftermath challenges the very core of her moral beliefs. Meanwhile, war threatens the shores west of Havenstahl. Without the city’s two greatest heroes to protect her, one man must stand up and lead the armies of the greatest city of men against an unstoppable force of monsters from across the Great Sea. Riddled with uncertainty, Daritus must stand tall against overwhelming self-doubt and lead his soldiers into a war more perilous than any in Havenstahl’s history. Ouloos will never be the same.

As the two stepped into the orange, flickering glow of a blazing fire, they caught the attention of the twenty or so soldiers lounging around it. A voice among the crowd shouted, “The giant slayer lives!” The rest of the small group erupted in a cheer that brought more soldiers from other fires burning around the camp. In a few moments, hundreds of men were crowding as closely as they could to the hero that led them into battle and killed a giant. “Don’t be crowding too close,” Doentaat hollered above the murmuring throng. “The giant slayer still be needing to heal.” Then the king of dwarves paused, collected himself, and shouted with every ounce of force his lungs could muster, “But Daritus, the killer of giants, lives!” This sent the crowd into a wild frenzy. A cheer louder than a crack of thunder erupted from the throng of wily soldiers. “Let them giants take note,” a voice rose above the rest. “General Daritus fears no man, no beast, and certainly no giants,” another answered. Still another shouted, “Long live the king.” And yet another answered, “Yes, King Daritus.” The buzzing and shouting continued. Congratulatory remarks filling the air as the soldiers reveled in their general’s glory. Finally, Daritus raised his right arm and shouted, “I am no king.” “Quiet,” Doentaat yelled. “Let the general speak.” The murmuring slowly subsided as Daritus continued, “My friends, soldiers, comrades, I am no king. I am a man, a soldier just as all of you are. I am a man who stands tall against fear, as all of you do. I am a man who is willing to give my life for the good of Havenstahl and Alhouim and all of Ouloos.” He paused as the crowd finally grew completely silent, finally adding, “But I am only a man.” Daritus began to pace back and forth in front of his tent as he continued, looking around the crowd into as many eyes as he could, “I am not a god. I am not special. I believe the people I represent deserve to live in a world free from the fear of being trampled, ripped apart, or even eaten by the likes of the monsters challenging our shores. But…I am just a man.” “Just a man who kills giants,” a voice answered from the crowd that erupted again in response. Once the crowd calmed back down, Daritus stopped pacing and continued, “Yes, I killed a giant. And not just any giant, I killed their leader. It was a general against a general, and a leader of men prevailed. I have been battered, teetered on the brink of death, and yet here I stand very much alive. What does that tell us?” He paused, glanced around the crowd, and then answered his own question, “It tells us giants are not invincible. They bleed and die just as we do. Their hides are tough, but our swords are sharp and strong.” He paused again as a murmur swept through the crowd. Finally, he added, “When the sun rises on a new day, I cannot lead you into battle, but I will be with you in spirit. Every grong you cut down, every trogmortem you slay, and every giant that falls before the might of men and dwarves will strengthen my spirit.” A brief cheer blasted from the crowd. “All of you, men and dwarves, you all share my desire. All of you have the strength to see your will done on the battlefield. What stands in the way of your glory? Giants, trogmortem, and grongs are horrible, nightmare creatures that trample everything and leave a path of destruction in their wake. Yes, they are terrifying. They growl and snarl and snap. They fight for no cause though. All of you standing before me, all of you fight for a cause. Do not be swayed from it or intimidated by their posturing. Think about the innocent folk who sit huddled in their homes, terrified by the monsters threatening their peace. Think about those who have fled the coming storm and challenged the dangerous trail to Druindahl, ripped from their land by fear. Think about your fallen friends who have died by your side. They are your cause. They are whom you fight for. Let those images burn into your brain, and unleash that fury on the beasts that dare challenge your might. I am just a man, and I killed a giant. Who among you will be the next to make that boast?” The volume of Daritus’s voice had slowly been rising as the words poured from his mouth. By the time the last words fired from his lips, they were carried along by the strength of an all-out shout.

E. Michael Mettille is the pen name of Mike Reynolds. Mike Reynolds is the author of Lake of Dragons and Hell and the Hunger. Mike has also written numerous short stories and poems. He has spent the last twenty years in direct marketing, print, and communication. Mike is fascinated by history, belief systems, the human condition and how all of those things work together to define who we are as a people. The world is a wonder and, based on the history of us, it is a wonder we have a world left to wonder about. Born and raised in Milwaukee, WI, he now lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Shelia.
Social Media Links
Twitter: @MikeReynoldsAut Website:

Hooker Release

Title: Hooker
Author: J.L. Perry
Publisher: Hachette
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: May 31, 2016



Jade’s young life was tough. After her mother died during childbirth and her father could no longer look after her, she was placed in foster care where she stayed for the next ten years. She grew up feeling unloved and unwanted as she was passed around from one screwed up home to the next.

Things began to look up for her when she was adopted by a wealthy socialite at the age of eleven. Sometimes though, things aren’t always what they seem. Jade didn’t know it at the time, but her new adoptive mother had big plans for her, and spent the next seven years grooming Jade for that role.

Jade learnt early in life that she couldn’t rely on anyone but herself. Instead of letting her circumstances beat her, she took all the negatives she’d been dealt, and used them to her advantage. She grew up to be a strong, successful, determined and independent woman. She was a loner by choice.

The only thing lacking in her life was companionship and love. She’d never experienced it, so she didn’t know what she was missing, until she had a one-night-stand with a handsome stranger. One night, that would change everything.


Brock grew up privileged. He had everything going for him. Money, looks, charm, success and an endless array of beautiful women. He wasn’t interested in commitment. To him women were easy. They practically threw themselves at his feet. All they wanted was to do something nobody had ever managed before. Snare the hot, rich bachelor.

Then he met Jade. She was like a breath of fresh air. A challenge. Nothing like the women he was used too. Their one night together ignited something within him. A burning desire to own her, possess her, but Jade had other plans. Nobody says no to Brock Weston, nobody.

He’s left wondering about a woman he knows he can never have. But, when fate brings them together again, will he get what he wants? Will he be able to claim the unattainable? Or will her secrets crush him, and destroy any chance they have of being together?

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After tightening the ribbon, I admire my ensemble in the mirror. It looks gorgeous.

‘Jade,’ I hear Brock call softly, after knocking on the cubicle door.


‘Can I see now?’

The hopefulness in his voice brings a smile to my face again. Without replying, I unlock and open the door slightly. He pops his head in and the look on his face does something to me. I’m so lost in it, I don’t even realise when he pushes the door open further, worming his way inside and turning the latch to relock it.

‘What are you doing?’ I whisper.

‘Sweet Jesus,’ is all he says as his arms wrap around my waist, drawing my body towards his. ‘You look incredible. We’re definitely buying this.’

‘You like?’ I ask as he gropes at my arse.

‘I fucking love. Turn around.’

I do as he asks.

‘Christ,’ he groans as his fingers skim up the outside of my legs until they’re resting on my hips. In the reflection, I see his eyes planted firmly on my behind. He takes a step forward, rubbing his body against mine. When his gaze meets mine in the mirror there’s pure desire in his eyes. Nobody has ever looked at me the way he does. Nobody.

His hands encircle my waist as he draws me closer, pressing into my back. ‘What are you doing to me?’ he murmurs as his lips graze over my shoulder. I have no idea, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same thing he’s doing to me.

I moan softly, resting my head against his chest while his mouth trails a path up my neck. One of his hands palm my breast through the corset, and the other moves down between my legs. I’m so lost in his touch that I totally forget we’re still in the dressing room at the lingerie store.

I’m pulled back into reality when I hear the tearing of fabric. ‘Brock,’ I say, when my eyes fly open to see him shoving the now ruined panties I was just wearing into his pocket. ‘I haven’t even paid for them yet.’

‘Shhh,’ he whispers in my ear as the hand on my breast moves up to cover my mouth. ‘I’m going to fuck you now. I can’t wait another second.’ My eyes widen at his comment. Has he lost his mind? We can’t have sex in here. I see his other hand in the reflection of the mirror disappear behind me and the distinct sound of a zipper rings out in the silence that has now fallen over us.

My stance widens automatically. My head knows what we’re about to do is wrong, but apparently my vagina didn’t get that memo.

‘Do you even realise how sexy you are?’ he whispers as his hand finds its way between my legs again.

‘Mmmm,’ I moan into the palm of his hand, my body trembling with anticipation.

‘I’ll remove my hand if you promise to be quiet. Okay?’

I nod. I still can’t believe we’re going to do this.

‘Place your hands on the mirror,’ he demands. I do exactly as he asks. It’s ironic how I’ve hated being controlled my entire life, yet I have no qualms about following his orders. The way Brock takes control is sexy.

He rubs his cock between my legs as I push my hips towards him. I’m no longer concerned about what we’re doing. I want to feel him inside me.

I bite down on my lip when he slides inside me, trying hard not to make a noise.

‘Christ you feel amazing,’ he breathes as he pulls out slightly before pushing all the way back in.

‘Oh god.’ One of his hands grasps my hip, holding me in place, while the other tugs on my hair, tilting my head back so his mouth can cover mine.

‘I said no noise.’

My eyes roll back in my head as he deepens the kiss before picking up the pace. He slams into me in short, hard strokes. It feels incredible. The risk of the sales assistant discovering us only seems to heighten the experience.

It doesn’t take long for him to have me on the edge. ‘I’m … I’m,’ is all I get to say before we’re interrupted.

‘Is everything all right in there?’ I hear the skanky sales assistant ask. Shit. There’s no holding back. I’m coming whether I like it or not.

‘Ahh,’ I moan into Brock’s mouth as my body starts to shudder and my orgasm hits me full force. His hand quickly moves from my hip, snaking around my waist, using his strength to hold me up. When he pulls out of the kiss, I see a smile tug at his lips as his eyes lock with mine in the mirror.

‘We’re fine,’ he says in a breathless tone that has him sounding like he’s just run a damn marathon.
I see his eyes clench shut as his movements become more desperate. I can feel my vagina still pulsing around him and I know he’s about to come as well. Shit, could his timing be any worse?

Author Bio


J L Perry is a mother of one son and a wife. She was born in Sydney, Australia in 1972, and has lived there her whole life. Her love of reading, from a young age, gave her the passion to write. My Destiny was originally written for her sister, in 2013. It was never intended to be published. However, after finishing this book, she felt there was still a lot of Brooke and Logan’s story left to tell. This inspired her to write My Forever. With the encouragement of her family and friends, she decided to follow her dream and become a published Author.

That dream was realized on the 6th of June, 2014.

My Destiny is her debut novel in the Destiny Series. My Forever is the conclusion to this book. My Destiny and My Forever, won a gold and silver medal in the 2015 eLit Book Awards for digital publishing, with the Jenkins Group. Her series that included My Destiny, My Forever and Damaged, also won a first place in the Easychair online Bookstore annual awards in 2015. Her books received a perfect score from all the judges. Her third book Damaged - Jacinta’s Story was released October 15th, 2014. This is a standalone book, but is based on a character in My Forever. Her fourth book Against All Odds, is a standalone book, as well, but part of the Destiny Series. It was released in May, 2015.

Her fifth book Bastard, was self-published in September, 2015, and became a #1 Bestseller, before she signed a five book deal with Hachette. Bastard and Luckiest Bastard – the Novella, were re-released through Hachette on the 7th of December, 2015. Hooker is releasing on the 31st May, 2016. Jax and Nineteen Letters will be published late 2016.

J L’s love of romance and happy endings makes a perfect combination when it comes to writing her beautiful love stories.

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Wanted Release

Title: Wanted
Series: A Monster Billionaire Romance
Author: Jani Kay & Normandie Alleman
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: May 31, 2016



I spent the last five years locked in a cage for a crime I didn’t commit.

Crucified by the press and social media. Hated by all.

But now that I’m a free man, I’m determined to prove I’m not the evil mastermind everyone thinks I am.

I just need someone to believe in me.

Someone like Addison James… 


Foster Cruise is sexy as hell and worth billions. But he destroyed my family.

He may have gone to prison, but he hasn’t paid nearly enough for what I’ve lost.

He has no idea who I am, but I’m determined to prove what the law failed to—and put him back behind bars where he belongs.

I’ll offer him my body and sell my soul to that handsome-as-hell devil to make things right.

Trouble is, I’m afraid he’s already stolen my heart. 

Adult content suitable for 18+
Language and sexual situations.

Join the series Facebook group

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What man doesn’t like to be wanted?

Well, not if you’re me and you’ve just done a stint in jail for a crime you didn’t commit.

The press and social media have crucified me. People hate my guts. Nobody believes that I’m innocent.

Especially the woman who is determined to put me back behind bars because I destroyed her family. She’s hell bent on making me pay for my sins.

I’m starting a new life and putting all that crap behind me.

Except that Addison James won’t let me. She worms her way into my life and my bed until she’s under my skin and I just can’t shake her.

I’m Foster Cruise.

I’m wanted.

Jani Kay

USA Today Bestselling Author - Jani Kay lives in Western Australia within a ten minute walk to the beach which is one of her favorite places to chill out.

She has been a bookworm all her life - as a voracious reader, she would gladly spend her last dollar on a book. She is always fascinated that for the mere price of a book (often less than the price of a coffee!), she can escape her life for a while and see through someone else's eyes into their world.

Jani loves the colour red, is a fiery Aries, is impatient and always storming ahead with those ram's horns, bashing her head...she has a wicked sense of humour and loves laughing.

In her 'other' life, Jani is a business woman and a scientist - a creative scientist though - she formulates skin care products and brews up concoctions in her laboratory...

She has 2 beautiful children who have grown into amazing young adults and Jani is very proud of them.

Besides reading and writing, her favorite 'thing' is traveling and drinking cocktails on the beach while watching the sun set over the ocean (Sex on The Beach anyone?).

Above all, she believes in Kindness, Karma, Miracles and Magic...


 Normandie Alleman

A former psychologist, Normandie has always been fascinated by human behavior. She loves writing quirky characters that are all too human. Fiber arts, baking, and Pinterest are a few of her favorite pastimes. A shamelessly proud basketball mom, Normandie lives on a farm with a passel of kids, an adorable husband, and a pet pig who’s crazy for Red Bull. If you’d like up to the minute new release info on Normandie’s books text RACYREADS to 24587 (Use all CAPS).

